100% Active Ingredients   |   100% Money Back Guarantee   |   100% Care

Ethical Vitamins with an Organic Heart

Which nutritionist formulated supplement is right for you?


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Did you know, as much as 57% of our diet is made up of ultra processed foods. These junk foods may often seem healthy and include daily staples like some bread and yoghurts. Eating ultra processed foods can affect our nutrient intake, inflammation levels and gut health.

Supplements can fill the gaps in our diet and help provide support but many vitamins contain artificial additives. These additives include fillers, binders, emulsifiers, flavours, colours and artificial preservatives. They’re included for commercial reasons – not health. Your body does not need them, they’re junk.

Find out more about what to look for and why Viridian choose 100% active ingredients – no junk whatsoever.

About Us

Our mission at Viridian Nutrition is to bring health and wellbeing to everything we touch.

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Amino Acids


B Vitamins


C, D, E & K Vitamins

Immune Boosters




Our Philosophy

Nutrition is the fundamental cornerstone to human health.